Welcome Parents and Students,
My name is Mr. Chrisman and I have been a principal in Deer Lodge since 2005. I started here as the 6-8 Principal up until August of 2017 and then transferred to the K-5 Principal position.
I have made a career in education since 1990 and have been a part of schools in three Alaskan communities and two in Montana. My wife and I are parents to three wonderful children and we have an amazing daughter-in-law. Recently we have been blessed with our first grandchild.
Feel free to stop in at any time if you have questions or concerns or just want to say hello.
Mr. Chrisman
O.D. Speer Elementary School
Kindergarten - Second grade
Welcome to O.D. Speer! Home of the Deputy Wardens!
Click here for Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/pntUwu3eJKGigWte8
Click here for Registration https://www.deerlodgeschools.org/documents/o.d.-speer-registration/441115
Click here for the K-8th grade handbook! DLE Handbook
Library information https://www.deerlodgeschools.org/page/library
School Counselor https://www.deerlodgeschools.org/page/counselors-corner

Bell Schedule
School Starts 8:10
First Recess 9:30-9:45
Kindergarten 10:50
1st 11:00
2nd 11:10
Lunch Ends 11:50
Last Recess 1:05-1:20
Dismiss 2:55