Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Thursday, September 12th and today is National Chocolate Milkshake Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Goulash. If you eat hot lunch, please get your food by 11:45 - lunch will not be served after 11:45!
Happy very belated Birthday to Jubal DeMers, Ryan Pearson and Erminia King-Chavez, whose birthdays were June 9th! Jubal, Ryan and Erminia, please come to the office for your present.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Bleken and 2nd Floor Mrs. Liedes. Detention this week will be in Mrs. Liedes’ room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - FFA District Leadership @ Belgrade — Study Table @ 3:15
Friday - Football @ HOME vs. Lodge Grass @ 7pm
Saturday - Cross Country @ Bozeman — Volleyball @ HOME vs. Eureka - 1pm
The Speech & Debate meeting has been moved to next Tuesday (the 17th) at lunch! It will be in Mr. Cotton’s room.
Starting next week, eSports will meet in the third floor journalism lab after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
There are only 2 spots left to sign up for the Highlands Trades Day, which will be October 2nd. Sign up at the office!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: I heard a joke about chocolate bars, but it wasn’t that funny. So I just snickered.