
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Wednesday, December 4th and today is National Sock Day. You can celebrate by buying a pair of Christmas socks from FCCLA! 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Orange Chicken & Fried Rice. 

Happy Birthday today to Kailey O’Connell! Kailey, please come to the office for your present. 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. Hunter and 2nd Floor Ms. Biere.  Detention today will be in Ms. Biere’s room. 

Activities for the week:

Wednesday - Josten’s Rep here to meet with Seniors @ 11:15

Thursday - Study Table @ 3:15

Friday - END of QUARTER 3 — Long Lunch — Wrestling @ Cascade

Saturday - Wrestling @ Cascade

There will be a youth board meeting at lunch today in Miss Bleken's room to discuss the winter carnival.  Lunch will be provided! The winter carnival setup will be Thursday at 5:30 pm at the youth center for anyone who wants volunteer hours!

There will be another FFA Fruit Box Building after school today in the AG Building. 

FCCLA is selling Christmas socks! They are $5/pair and can be picked up in Mrs. Perkins’ room. 

There will be an FCCLA meeting tomorrow at 5:30 in Mrs. Perkins room. This is an updated time from the original Remind post. Please bring a treat to share.

There will be an FFA Scholarship help night tomorrow night in the AG Building at 7:00pm.

Don’t forget to bring in your donations for the canned food drive! The class competition ends December 10th - next Tuesday!

eSports will meet in the third floor journalism lab after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

We have eight copies of the 2024 yearbook still available for purchase! They are $40 and you can see Ms. Biere in room 305 to purchase one.

Here is today’s joke of the day: How does a penguin build a house? Igloos it together.