Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Tuesday, December 10th and on this day in 1917, the Red Cross was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Chicken Quesadilla.
Happy very belated Birthday to Hazel Rubink and Levi Wons, whose birthdays were August 19th! Hazel and Levi, please come to the office for your presents!
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. Crofutt and 2nd Floor Mr. Stevenson. Detention today will be in Mr. Stevenson’s room in the Ag building.
Activities for the week:
Tuesday - Wrestling @ Arlee — Study Table @ 3:15 — Holiday Concert @ Rialto @ 7pm — School Board Meeting @ 6:30pm
Wednesday - Military Rep here at lunch — FFA Meeting @ 3:15
Thursday - Wrestling @ Jefferson – Study Table @ 3:15
Friday - BBB Tournament @ Manhattan — Bonus Long Lunch
Saturday - BBB Tournament @ Manhattan — Wrestling @ Superior
Make plans to go to the Rialto tonight at 7 to hear some amazing Christmas music, courtesy of the PCHS Music department!
Don’t forget to bring in your donations for the canned food drive! The class competition ends TODAY!
If you are interested in joining esports, or just playing a game, meet the esports team for their post-season wrap party in the journalism lab today after school. We will discuss plans for the spring season.
The Youth Board will be hosting a Fortnight Tournament on Friday night at the Youth Center. It’s from 6-9pm and the cost is $5.
FCCLA is selling Christmas socks! They are $5/pair and can be picked up in Mrs. Perkins’ room.
Here is today’s joke of the day: Why did the pony miss singing at the Christmas concert? It was a little horse.