
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Monday, December 16th and today’s dress-up day is Red & Green day. 

Congratulations to to the Boys’ Basketball teams who won all of their games at the Manhattan Tournament! Also, Congratulations to Kaiden Dolan and Bo Daniel who both took 2nd at the Superior Wrestling Meet!

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Cheesy Breadstick. 

Happy Birthday today to Sophia Bernard! Sophia, please come to the office for your present!

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. Liedes and 2nd Floor Mr. Spring.  Detention today will be in the Library. 

Activities for the week:

Monday - Special Speaker @ 9:45 — Adopt-a-Freshman 3rd & 4th period — Study Table @ 3:15

Tuesday - PCHS Music @ the Hospital @ Lunch — Juniors go to movie PM —Study Table @ 3:15 — BBB C-squad @ Anaconda @ 4:00 —  GBB @ Anaconda @ 5:30 — Wrestling @ HOME @ 6pm

Wednesday - PCHS Music in the Atrium @ Lunch

Thursday - Study Table @ 3:15 — JV BBB @ Granite @ 4pm — JV GBB @ Granite @ 5:30pm 

Friday - Side Quests AM — Bonus Long Lunch (11:24 - 12:24) — Pep Rally PM

Saturday - BBB @ HOME vs. St. Ignatius, JV @ 2, V @ 3pm — Wrestling @ Arlee

Dress-up Days this week:

Monday - Red & Green Day

Tuesday - Christmas Hats and/or Plaids

Wednesday - Ugly Sweater

Thursday - Christmas Movie Character

Friday - Pajama Day

Sign-ups for Friday’s Events are on a table by the blue wall in the staircase!

FFA Scholarships are due on Friday!

Not sure what to ask Santa for? Why not ask for a 2025 yearbook!? They are $55 and you can see Ms. Biere in room 305 to purchase one.

FCCLA is selling Christmas socks through next Friday! They are $5/pair and can be picked up in Mrs. Perkins’ room. 

Here is today’s joke of the day: What does Santa use to clean his sleigh? Comet.