
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, January 14th and today is National Dress up Your Pet Day.  

Happy Birthday today to Daisy Ryan! Daisy, please come to the office for your present. 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla. 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. RK and 2nd Floor Ms. Bleken.  Detention today will be in Ms. Bleken’s room.

Activities for the week:

Tuesday - Study Table @ 3:15 — School Board meeting @ 6:30 pm

Thursday - FINALS  BEGIN (All “A” Blocks AND 4th period) — Study Table @ 3:15 — BBB @ HOME vs. Florence, games start at 4pm

Friday - FINALS CONTINUE (Periods 1-3 AND All “B” Blocks) — End Term 1 — Awards Ceremony @ 1:35 — GBB & BBB @ HOME vs. Darby — Wrestling @ Choteau

Saturday - Wrestling @ Choteau

There will be an FFA Meeting Wednesday after school. 

Juniors, please turn in ticket sales to Mrs. RK as you sell them! 

The student-section dress-up themes for the games this week are: Thursday: Superhero and Friday: Hippie.

Attention Traffic Education Students:  There will be a mandatory Traffic Education meeting for parents/guardians on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:00 in Mr. Schalk's room. 

Anyone interested in participating in Academic World please sign up with Mr. Cotton. The competition's date will be determined, but it typically is in early February in Missoula. PCHS teams have done really well in the past - come join the fun. 

Here is today’s joke of the day: What do you call a dog that does magic tricks? A Labracadabrador.