Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Wednesday, January 22nd and today is Celebration of Life Day!
Happy Birthday today to Chase Henze! Chase, please come to the office for your present.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Breaded Beef Patty.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Rae and 2nd Floor Mr. Lombardi . Detention today will be in Mr. Lombardi’s room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - BBB @ HOME vs. Missoula
Friday - BBB @ Anaconda — Wrestling @ Thompson Falls
Saturday - Wrestling @ Thompson Falls
No Study Table this week, due to the new term!
Mark your calendars: Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 pm there will be a special Greece Movie Night at the Rialto! Admission is free but donations are accepted and welcomed to support the Student trip to Greece!
The student-section dress-up theme for tomorrow’s game is Neon Night.
Would you like to learn about investing and how to open an investment account? Would you like to learn how to buy stocks? We have an opportunity for you! Tomorrow at lunch in the Ag-Ed room, we will have a guest speaker who will help you get started. This is open to all students, and ice cream is provided.
Anyone interested in participating in Academic World please sign up with Mr. Cotton. The competition's date will be determined, but it typically is in early February in Missoula. PCHS teams have done really well in the past - come join the fun.
Don’t forget to purchase your 2025 yearbook! You can see Ms. Biere in room 305 to purchase one.
Here is today’s joke of the day: What’s the difference between Iron Man and Aluminum Man? Iron Man stops the bad guy. Aluminum Man foils their plans.