
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Monday, February 10th and today is National Flannel Day. 

Congratulations to all wrestlers who participated in Divisional wrestling this weekend! Bo Daniel, Sadie Shindurling, Lexi Lunceford, Josie Steinebach, Alonna Fulmer and Gizelle Beck qualified to go to State this weekend! 

Happy belated Birthday to Ethan Jaeger, whose birthday was yesterday! Ethan, please come to the office for your present. 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Macaroni and Cheese. 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. Spring and 2nd Floor Mrs. Hunter .  Detention today will be in Mrs. Hunter’s room. 

Activities for the week:

Monday - Study Table @ 3:15

Tuesday - BBB @ Loyola — GBB @ Butte High — Study Table @ 3:15 — School Board Meeting @ 6:30

Wednesday - Early Out @ 1:30

Thursday - BBB @ HOME - SENIOR NIGHT for all BB players & Winter Cheerleaders — State Wrestling @ Billings — Study Table @ 3:15

Friday - State Wrestling @ Billings

Saturday - State Wrestling @ Billings

NHS and Student Council are selling Valentine’s Day chocolate and roses from now until Wednesday! You can buy them at lunch outside of Mrs. Perkins’ room and they will be delivered on Valentine’s Day during 4th period. 

This week is national FCCLA week! 

Monday is Member Monday where we celebrate all of our members of FCCLA. Find a current member, ask them what it’s all about, and join!  

Tuesday is FCCLA’s day of service where we recognize all the service we have done and will continue to do for others. (Dress up as your biggest influence/ inspiration) 

Wednesday is Family Consumer Sciences Educator day! Make sure you thank Mrs. Perkins for being our FCS Educator. (Dress up like an FCS Educator ex: cooking class teacher) 

Thursday is alumni day! Today we recognize our previous members and support staff who impacted FCCLA, (dress up as your future career) 

Friday is FCCLA Spirit day where we embrace everything we love about FCCLA! (Wear all red)(find something FCCLA throughout the school and redeem in KPS room for a prize) 

Any girls who are interested in playing Softball this spring, please sign up at the office!

Academic World Quest will be in Missoula on March 4. Any students who want to go, please let Mr. Cotton know ASAP. 

The student section dress-up theme for Thursday night’s last home game is: Senior Citizen vs. Baby.

Here is today’s joke of the day: Last night I dreamt I was eating flannel cakes. When I woke up, the blanket was gone.