Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Thursday, February 13th and tonight is the last home basketball game, and it’s Senior Night! Those being honored tonight, be at the gym with your parents/guardians by 6:15!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a PB & J Sandwich, Cheese stick and Yogurt.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. Spring and 2nd Floor Mrs. Hunter. Detention today will be in Mrs. Hunter’s room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - BBB @ HOME - SENIOR NIGHT for all BB players & Winter Cheerleaders — State Wrestling @ Billings — Study Table @ 3:15
Friday - State Wrestling @ Billings
Saturday - State Wrestling @ Billings
There will be a Marine recruiter here at lunch today outside of Mrs. Perkins’ room - stop by and visit with him if you’re interested!
Prom is coming up on March 8th! If you’re interested in bringing a guest who doesn’t attend PCHS, stop by the office for a form.
This week is national FCCLA week! Thursday is alumni day! Today we recognize our previous members and support staff who impacted FCCLA, (dress up as your future career)
Friday is FCCLA Spirit day where we embrace everything we love about FCCLA! (Wear all red)(find something FCCLA throughout the school and redeem in KP’s room for a prize)
Mr. Cotton is making a list of students who want to go to Academic World Quest March 4 in Missoula. Please let him know verbally or email him. The deadline will be 12 p.m. next Tuesday.
Any girls who are interested in playing Softball this spring, please sign up at the office!
Seniors, turn in your Senior pictures to Ms. Biere and the Journalism team ASAP. If any seniors need a free photo shoot, see Ms. Biere!
The student section dress-up theme for tonight’s game is: Senior Citizen vs. Baby. Juniors and Seniors are Senior Citizens and Freshmen and Sophomores are Babies!
Here is today’s joke of the day: Where’s a basketball player’s favorite place to eat? Dunkin’ Donuts.