Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Tuesday, February 18th and on this day, Mark Twain published the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. In what year? Be the first to tell Suzanne and win a prize!
Happy Birthday today to Quintin Perkins! And happy belated birthday to Adriana Just and Colin Dulaney, whose birthdays were yesterday! Quintin, Adriana and Colin, please come to the office for your presents!
Congratulations to those Warden Wrestlers who competed at State! A special congratulations to Kaiden Dolan, who took 2nd at State and Sadie Shindurling, who took 6th - way to represent PCHS well!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Taco Stuffed Baked Potato.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. Stevenson and 2nd Floor Ms. Van Beek. Detention today will be in the Math room on the 2nd floor.
Activities for the week:
Tuesday - Study Table @ 3:15
Thursday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda — Study Table @ 3:15
Friday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda — End Quarter 5
Saturday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda
This week is National FFA Week! Dress up days are:
Tuesday - Case vs. John Deere
Wednesday - Rancher Day
Thursday - Welders vs. Plumbers
Friday - Wear Blue Day
PCHS eSports is putting together a Marvel Rivals club for the spring. If you would like to join, come to the computer lab after school tomorrow for a planning session.
Would you like to learn about investing and how to open an investment account? Would you like to learn how to buy stocks? Join us tomorrow at lunch in the Ag-Ed room - this adventure is open to everyone!
Mr. Cotton is making a list of students who want to go to Academic World Quest March 4 in Missoula. Please let him know verbally or email him. The deadline is today at noon!
Prom is coming up on March 8th! If you’re interested in bringing a guest who doesn’t attend PCHS, stop by the office for a form.
Any girls who are interested in playing Softball this spring, please sign up at the office!
Seniors, turn in your Senior pictures to Ms. Biere and the Journalism team ASAP. If any seniors need a free photo shoot, see Ms. Biere!
2025 Yearbooks are still for sale and are still only $55! See Ms. Biere to order yours!
Here are some quotes from Mark Twain as today’s joke of the day: Never argue with stupid people; they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. And: war was created so that Americans would learn geography.