
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Wednesday, February 19th and today’s dress-up day for National FFA Week is Rancher Day. 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Breakfast (Sausage, hash browns and eggs). 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. Stevenson and 2nd Floor Ms. Van Beek. Detention today will be in the Math room on the 2nd floor. 

Activities for the week:

Thursday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda — Study Table @ 3:15

Friday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda — End Quarter 5

Saturday - BBB District Tournaments @ Anaconda

This week is National FFA Week! Dress up days are: 

Thursday - Welders vs. Plumbers

Friday - Wear Blue Day

 PCHS eSports is putting together a Marvel Rivals club for the spring. If you would like to join, come to the computer lab after school today for a planning session. 

Academic World Quest will meet in Mr. Cotton’s room after school today.

Would you like to learn about investing and how to open an investment account? Would you like to learn how to buy stocks? Join us today at lunch in the Ag-Ed room - this adventure is open to everyone!

Prom is coming up on March 8th! If you’re interested in bringing a guest who doesn’t attend PCHS, stop by the office for a form. 

Any girls who are interested in playing Softball this spring, please sign up at the office! Track and Golf sign-ups will be available at the office this afternoon. 

Starting next week, no loaner chargers or computers will be available - please come to school prepared! If you must borrow a charger or a computer for an unforeseen circumstance, your phone will have to be left as collateral. 

Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you call a cow with only 2 legs? Lean beef.