
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Monday, February 24th and today is National Steakburger Day. Steak ‘n Shake made the steakburger popular in the 1930’s.

Happy Birthday today to Shelby Tierney! Shelby, please come to the office for your present. 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Soup and a Deli Sandwich. 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Biere and 2nd Floor Mrs. Herrin. Detention today will be in the Music Room. 

Activities for the week:

Monday - Study Table @ 3:15

Tuesday - Study Table @ 3:15

Thursday - Study Table @ 3:15

Seniors, your Senior photos are due to Ms. Biere immediately!

Prom is coming up on March 8th! If you’re interested in bringing a guest who doesn’t attend PCHS, stop by the office for a form. 

Spring Sports sign-ups are available at the office - If you’re interested in Track, Golf or Softball, stop by and sign up!

Any Juniors or Seniors interested in a trip to the Capitol on March 11, please sign up at the office! 

Here’s today’s joke of the day: I made a song about a tortilla once, now it's more like a wrap.