Powell County High School - Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Friday, February 28th and today is National Science Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Chili & Cinnamon Roll.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Biere and 2nd Floor Mrs. Herrin. Detention today will be in the Music Room.
Prom tickets are on sale through March 5th during lunch! Cost is $15.00 for a single ticket and $25 for 2 tickets. Students who are bringing non-PCHS guests need to show their guest is approved prior to purchasing a ticket for them! Tickets will be sold outside of Mrs. Perkins’ room.
If you’re planning on bringing a non-PCHS guest to prom, pick up a form at the office. These are due TODAY!
Juniors, Prom is next weekend! We will be having a meeting today in the library at lunch to finesse the final details and make a game plan for decorating!
If you have reserved a 2024-25 yearbook, you should have your invoice! If you owe a balance towards your yearbook the last day to make a payment is Tuesday, April 1st. All balances must be paid no later than April 1st to ensure you will receive a copy of the yearbook. If you haven't reserved your copy yet, the last day to do so is also April 1st. Please see Ms. Biere with any questions!
Spring Sports sign-ups are available at the office - If you’re interested in Track, Golf or Softball, stop by and sign up! The Spring Sports meeting will be next Monday, March 3rd at 6pm. This is a mandatory meeting for any spring athletes and their parent(s)!
Any Juniors or Seniors interested in a trip to the Capitol on March 18, please sign up at the office. The deadline to sign up is tomorrow!
Here are today’s jokes of the day: What type of dogs do chemists own? Laboratory Retrievers.
Did you hear that oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK.