
Powell County High School - Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Wednesday, March 5 and this is the day the Hula Hoop was patented. In what year? Be the first to tell Suzanne and win a prize! 

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Orange Chicken. 

Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Bleken and 2nd Floor Ms. Sheldon. Detention today will be in Ms. Sheldon’s room. 

Activities for the week:

Wednesday - FFA Meeting @ 3:15

Thursday - Study Table @ 3:15

Friday - Long Lunch (11:24 - 12:24) 

Saturday - PROM @ 8pm (Grand March) @ The Pen

Prom tickets are on sale through tomorrow during lunch outside of Mrs. Perkins’ room! Cost is $15.00 for a single ticket and $25 for 2 tickets. Non-PCHS guests need to be approved prior to purchasing a ticket for them! 

SENIORS, we need to take a whole class photo for the yearbook as well as for the thank you cards for the chemical free graduation party!We will take this photo at the beginning of 3rd period THIS FRIDAY (March 7th). You all need to make arrangements to be here. We will not be doing retakes. This is also a long lunch day, so make sure you’re back by 12:24!

Deadline to pay for your 2024-2025 yearbook is April 1st! See Ms. Biere if you have any questions!

Here’s today’s joke of the day: Who is the undefeated Solar System Hula Hoop Champion? Saturn